Welcome to D1 Motor Cars
In late December of 1998 my wife Leslie and I went to the theatre to watch the movie Stepmom, staring Julia Roberts. During the movie my wife leaned over and commented that she loved the SUV Julia was driving which was a 1998 Land Rover Discovery(D1). So of course a few weeks later my mechanic friend Gary Moran and I found ourselves in Atlanta looking at Land Rover’s. On that trip Gary helped me find the perfect one, a 1996 Avalon Blue Metallic Land Rover Discovery I. That purchase sparked my love for Land Rover’s and the rest is history The next year we sold that Discovery to a local dealer and never dreamed we would see it again. Fast forward to the summer of 2022 as we were driving to the Mulberry River and spotted our old Rover in a yard! We immediately pulled over and knocked on the door to inquire about our first D1! A sweet lady answered the door and told us she had driven that car daily for almost 20 years. I explained to her our love for that first Land Rover purchase and she sold it back to us that same day! Now we are in the process of getting this treasure restored and back on the road!